Jigar Shah, CIH, CSP


As a Board Certified and Licensed Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional with 22 years of experience, Mr. Shah is responsible for implementation of SPC’s Industrial Hygiene services. His practice focuses on the assessment of worker safety and personal protection, management of hazardous building materials during construction, and the development of administrative and engineering controls to eliminate unsafe working conditions and unacceptable public environmental impacts. Mr. Shah’s experience include performing and overseeing hundreds of projects involving indoor air quality, asbestos, lead, mold, bacteria, ambient air quality, and building ventilation to name a few. His experience includes working with both public and private clients as well as regulatory and legal authorities.


Board Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
Licensed Asbestos Project Designer
IDPH Licensed Asbestos Project Manager
IDPH Licensed Asbestos Management Planner
IDPH Licensed Asbestos Building Inspector
IDPH Licensed Air Sampling Professional
IDPH Licensed Lead Risk Assessor

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Jigar Shah, CIH, CSP