Robert Suda, P.G., CPESC, DECI, CSI


A licensed professional geologist with 32 years of domestic and international engineering experience in environmental management, protection, and restoration. Mr. Suda has diverse experience includes the planning, development, and implementation of environmental due diligence studies, environmental audits, engineering feasibility studies, remedial construction projects, Environmental Impacts Studies (EIS) and Environmental Assessments (EA) under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), natural resource conservation and restoration programs, pollution prevention/waste minimization audits, soil and groundwater remediation programs, hazardous materials surveys and abatement, groundwater and drinking water protection studies, erosion and sediment control, stormwater protection, and construction compliance monitoring programs. He is experienced in all project phases, from initial field studies to the preparation of plans, specifications, preliminary design, permitting, bid documents, and construction management.


Licensed Professional Geologist (PG)
Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)
Certified Stormwater Inspector (CSI)

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Robert Suda, P.G., CPESC, DECI, CSI